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Employee Spotlight: Julie Setera, NDP EMS Billing Coordinator

Julie Setera, Billing Coordinator at NDP EMS, grew up locally - right in Saugerties. So - yes, of COURSE we asked if she knew fellow Saugerties HS alum Jimmy Fallon (more on that below!) But more importantly, we chatted with Julie about her career at NDP and what it’s like to build her adult life in a region she’s cherished since she was a young girl:

Julie, tell us about your upbringing.

I grew up in Saugerties and graduated from Saugerties High School in 1987. After that, I went on to complete two years of schooling at Ulster County Community College, where I focused on my interest in accounting and bookkeeping. I still live in Saugerties all these years later - my husband John is an automotive technician; he and I have two black labs (Curtis and Wyatt) and we’ve been in the same house for 30 years. We love this area and our life together here!

What do you most love about living in the same area where you grew up?

I love the chance to really show up to the family and friends who have always been there for me. And who can beat the Hudson Valley? I love the food, the culture, the scenery, the change of seasons, and most of all - the PEOPLE. In fact, I think we’re all more resilient and down-to-earth BECAUSE of the change of seasons!

How did you land at NDP?

I worked as a billing supervisor at a doctor’s office in Saugerties for a long time; that doctor was the school sports physician and he was great. But after 12 years of working there, I felt ready for change - so I pursued a position at NDP. I got the offer and began my career here. That was 14 years ago - and I continue to love being part of this company. Our leadership team looks to extend advancement opportunities whenever possible (I started as an account representative and I’m now the billing coordinator), and we are surrounded by good people here who are doing critically important work every single day.

What do you most love about working at NDP EMS?

It’s just the right size - large enough to be sophisticated, but small enough to make us all feel connected. We are encouraged to communicate, take care of ourselves and one another, and have fun - it is clear that NDP EMS leadership value a positive workplace atmosphere and I really appreciate that.

Can you comment on the importance of the work that your company does?

It’s crucial. If you don’t have providers responding to and caring for those in need, your community can fall apart. We literally provide lifesaving services, with incredible professionals who jump in to support people at a time of crisis, and who are there even when people need something more basic, like a medical transport. I have the utmost respect and admiration for my colleagues, and feel very proud to work for NDP EMS.

What is one life lesson that you have learned through your work at NDP?

I’ve realized that you just never know what someone is going through or has recently endured. We must treat people with kindness and respect at all times, knowing that everyone has their own story and some people are in crisis or have just experienced something awful even if they aren’t telling you about it.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to travel. We go to Disney every year, and at one point went more than once a year! We’ve also been to Las Vegas and have done many summer vacations at the Jersey Shore. One of my other favorite destinations is the Florida Keys and Key West. That should be on everyone’s bucket list: that overseas highway is a must-see!

And - we have to ask - do you know Jimmy Fallon, who also grew up in Saugerties? I was there just before Jimmy, but he was very close with my first cousin growing up, and the two have remained in contact over the years. Jimmy was the same then as he is now - totally relatable, funny, and wonderful. He was the life of the party even when we were all growing up; we have snapshots of Jimmy, my cousin, and their friends hanging out together after games and high school events. And he’s a very kind person - my cousin and my mother went down to see a show and they were given backstage access and everything!

What would you say to someone aspiring to build a career at NDP EMS?

I would actually say that it will be incredibly rewarding - an experience that will give you meaningful takeaways that will apply to so many other aspects of life, for the rest of your days.

If you’re a high school student, recent graduate, or looking for a career change, consider our EMT training or other work opportunities at NDP EMS! Learn more at

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